
The software industry plays a leading role in creating products that have vastly improved our lives and work environment. Unfortunately, software theft, or piracy, has had a negative impact on the global marketplace and the ability to create new products. Copying in the workplace, counterfeiting and various forms of illegal distribution costs nearly $12 billion each year. Furthermore, the unauthorized electronic distribution and sale of copyrighted works over the Internet threatens to make these problems seem almost quaint by comparison. Legal and cultural frameworks to protect creative works online, including computer software, must be identified and built to encourage creativity and growth.
Recommended Links:
Business Software Alliance Anti-Piracy website The Business Software Alliance is an international organization representing leading software and e-commerce developers in 65 countries around the world. Established in 1988, BSA has offices in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
Australasian Legal Information Institute: Cyberspace Lots of very useful international links plus an Australian perspective.
Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) of the Criminal Division of the US Department of Justice This site is the best starting point for information on the topic.
Computer Crime Policy and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) US Department of Justice website dedicated to policy issues and initiatives.
Consumer Project on Technology CPT is a nonprofit organization started by Ralph Nader in 1995. This link is an index of intellectual property information on the Internet.
Georgetown University: Williams Library Research Guides Links from Georgetown University library website. Very comprehensive. Includes an Intellectual Property section.
Harvard University: Berkman Center for Internet and Society Research program at Harvard University. Online lectures and discussions available.
The Information Economy Website of the Dean of the School of Information Management and Systems at the University of California at Berkeley. Very comprehensive. Includes an Intellectual Property section.